Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome Trailer Hits the Internet

If this is all the spaceships we get on television…then I approve! This trailer has strapped me back into the BSG band wagon and shot me out a launch tube! There has been some concern that the whole movie is shot on green screen, and I say, good job! I couldn’t tell what was composited and what wasn’t. Play this one real quick folks, because NBC Universal has been hitting these videos with DMCA take-down notices like nobody’s business.

Bill Adama: The Early, Slightly Less Drunk and Depressed Years – Topless Robot.

Katee Sachkoff in Riddick 3


The first photos of the new Chronicles of Riddick have surfaced on Vin Diesel’s Facebook page, including this one of Katee Sackhoff as “Dahl”, one of the Bounty Hunters after Riddick. Apparently, this was taken at 5:45am after a night of shooting, stunts, and wire-fu. I don’t think any of us could look half as good as this after an all-nighter like that!


Battlestar Galactica Roller Coaster at Universal Studios Singapore

For the love of all that is holy, THERE EXISTS A BATTLESTAR GALACTICA ROLLER COASTER!! There are two entrances to the ride, human and cylon. One coaster is standing, the other leaves your feet dangling in space. Both coasters twist and turn in a desperate dogfight for galactic supremacy. Nothing could be more awesome than this if only it weren’t 10,000 miles away in Singapore. Realize this and despair. So say we all.

Source: YouTube.

Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome Update

TVWise has uncovered some new details on the Battlestar Galactica prequel, Blood & Chrome. The Visual Effects for the 2 hour pilot were delivered last October, but Syfy is now mulling over whether to make the pilot into a full series. If the series is picked up, the network might hold onto it and release it as a first episode. One way or the other, this pilot will be released to viewers. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m hoping this turns into a series. Forget Star Trek or Stargate, we are living in a future where you can’t even see spaceships on television. Does that sound like a world you want to live in?

Source: TVWise

Battlestar #Galactibash Gallery

The Battlestar Galactibash celebrating the end of the Battlestar Galactica Exhibit at the Experience Music Project Museum in Seattle took place on Friday. Lauren Hall-Stigerts (pictured above, rocking the fatigues) was on hand to take some photos for us. The exhibit closes March 2nd, so check it out today!

Battlestar GalactiBash at Experience Music Project Seattle

Like all good things and the Superlative TV series before it, the Battlestar Galactica Exhibit is winding down at the Experience Music Project Museum in Seattle this on March 4, 2012. To commemorate the exhibit, the EMP museum is hosting Battlestar GalactiBash at Sky Church this Friday in conjunction with Geeks Who Drink and Geekgirlcon. Wear your Duty Blues and play a round of Pyramid with special guests including Tahmoh Penikett (Cpt. Karl ‘Helo’ Agathon), David Weddle (writer, producer), and Glenne Campbell (costume designer). Tickets can be purchased from Brown Paper Tickets.


Vancouver Graphic Artist Creates Epic Geeky Hockey Jerseys

Let’s face it, Raingeeks. If the Vancouver Canucks, or Seattle’s forthcoming NHL team are to take over the world of hockey, they will have to widen their scope if they are to find players with the right stuff. Vancouver native Dave Delisle has rightly suggested that we look to the Geeks for future hockey glory. Dave has created some amazing hockey jerseys featuring Voltron, Link, and even Battlestar Galactica. The jerseys sell for $80 USD over at and are the perfect means by which we are to draft our perfect nerd hockey army.

Source: Yahoo! Sports

Katie Sackhoff In New Riddick Movie

In a new Synopsis released last week, Battlestar Galactica Alumnus Katie Sackhoff will be appearing in the new “Chronicles of Riddick” movie. She will be part of a team of mercenaries trying to hunt down Vin Diesel’s Riddick Character on a hostile alien world. No details yet on how this will relate to the previous Riddick movie, but I think we all just want to see Vin Diesel creatively killing people again.

