Fan’s Speculate Christopher Judge’s role in The Dark Knight Rises

In a recent appearance on the David Boze Radio show, Christopher Judge speaks about his role in the upcoming Dark Knight Rises movie. We still don’t know what character he’ll be playing, but we do know that he’ll be involved in a fight scene with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who we know will be playing the role of Police Officer John Blake. In the show, Judge also has some sad news about a third Stargate film. While there was one in the development pipe, it’ll likely never see the light of day due to MGM’s financial troubles.

Source: Cosmic Book News

Adam West and Burt Ward to Attend Fan Expo Vancouver

You might be swooning at the idea of meeting Tom Felton aka Draco Malfoy. You might have a conniption over getting Kristen Bauer’s (True Blood) Autograph. But fellow Raingeeks, the true pinnacle of this year’s Vancouver Fan Expo will be a chance to meet the one and only Dynamic Duo. Adam West and Burt Ward aka 1960s Batman and Robin will be coming to our city’s first major comic convention, and that makes for one hell of a start.

Source: Vancitybuzz