Douglas Coupland Proposes Wi-Fi Utility Pole for Vancouver

Douglas Coupland, author of  Generation X and J-Pod unveiled a new concept for urban wireless services at New Cities Summit in Paris last week. The V-Pole (As in Vancouver Pole) could provide cell phone service, city-wide wi-fi, and even electrical vehicle recharging using one modular design.  Coupland says the design will streamline the ever-increasing  number of wireless services in urban areas:

“In three years there will be 30 times more wireless data traffic than there is now,” said Coupland. “Unless we act quickly, our streets could be as cluttered as a kitchen junk drawer. No one wants that… This is an inevitable technology and a massive entrepreneurial opportunity,”

Vancouver Mayor Greg Roberts has expressed interest in the project. The fact that this technology even exists is cool enough. Having it in Vancouver would be even better! I just hope we don’t have to deal with the same kind of NIMBY people like we did with the BC hydro smart meters.

Source: Vancouver Courier

Valve Teaming up with Overkill Software for Non-Half-Life 3 Goodness

Sweden’s Overkill Software, creators of Payday: The Heist are teaming up with Valve Software for a new FPS project. Details are scant, but the new game appears to be a cross-over between Left 4 Dead and Overkill’s respected Bank Robbing Shooter. Could we be robbing banks after a Zombie Apocalypse for useless paper? If it’s the undead guarding lost treasure, it sounds like Dungeons and Dragons transplanted to the modern age which…sounds pretty cool actually! Details of the project will likely arise at E3.


Source: Reviews on the Run.


The Secret Circle Searches for a New Network

Even though the CW was pretty final in its cancellation of The Secret Circle, the show’s fans and producers hope to find the show a new home on a different network. ABC family has been named as a prime candidate, as well as Arrested Development‘s saviour Netflix. However, fans have started a Make-a-Wish to Save-a-Witch campaign to raise $20,000 for the Make-a-wish foundation and to gain the attention of MTV, where they believe the show would fit in perfectly with Teen Wolf. At least Make-a-Wish is a better idea than taking out an ad in Variety.


Bungie co-founder Alex Seropian’s mobile dev teams up with Unreal Engine

New details have emerged about Industrial Toys, the mobile game developer created by Bungie co-founder Alex Seropian. It seems that the company has signed a multi-title deal with Epic Games to use their Unreal Engine, which was used to great success in the Infinity Blade series. Industrial Toys is billing itself as a core gaming company, so it’s not likely your going to see just another Popcap or Zynga clone from them in the near future.

Source: Gamasutra

Giant Lego R2-D2 Menaces OakRidge Mall

The Lego store did not just open in Oakridge Mall. No, this was a full-scale conquest. The Lego store was not content being the most awesome store in the mall, it had to erect a giant effigy of dominance to show the Gap who was in charge around here. The statue would only be appeased by sacrifices from the food court and small children left unattended in the play area. All hail Giant R2-D2!

Source: Within a Flash of Lightning.

Ricky Gervais & Elmo. Because its Friday

Also, Elmo says the word Holocaust in this video. Isn’t there some kind of grand FCC punishment for that?

Gervais + Elmo = Hilarity on ‘Sesame Street’ – YouTube.

Vancouver Film Producer in Investment Scandal


The B.C. Securities Commission has pulled the plug on a Vancouver native film producer after he was soliciting investors on Craigslist.

Yes, it looks like Paul Stiles will be trying his luck on Party Poker for a while to come now. According to BCSC enforcement staff, Stiles posted an advertisement to promote investments in his company Velocity Entertainment Inc in July and August of 2011 on Craigslist.

When an investigator posing as a prospective investor responded to the advertisement, Stiles claimed a $15,000 investment would get a 100 percent return of $30,000, within six months of the investment. All the more confusing because the initial advertisement quoted 12 percent within one year.

Stiles told the investigator that the investment was totally secure, and mailed an agreement that claimed Velocity would produce two feature films, credit the investor as a producer, and repay them with interest within six months.

The plot thickened when another advertisement was found on Craigslist in March 2012, which investigators quickly pursued. This time they were quoted returns of 20 to 30 percent within 60 days, a third of the original time quoted before.

The commission said that not only was Stiles promising an impossible rate of returns, but Velocity Entertainment was officially dissolved in 2005. It just goes to show that even in Vancouver, the movie industry attracts its share of shady characters.

This article was written by Our Partners.

Vancouver Developer hits 200k downloads with Pandemic 2.5

Pandemic 2.5, the global disease simulator for iOS, is currently #3 on the iTunes charts behind Draw Something and Angry Birds In Space. It was developed by Dark Realm Studios, a new company with only one employee, BCIT Grad Dan Archibald.

“I’m definitely proud, it has surpassed all my expectations,” admitted Archibald. “When I was working on the game I’d daydream and think it would be amazing if the game hit 100,000 downloads. It’s been two weeks and has already reached far larger and wider than I could have imagined.”

Dan plans to build on his game’s success. In the future, he wants to start his own physical studio and hiring more developers to make Pandemic the best that it can be.

Source: Metro News

BC Prepares for Zombie Outbreak

Earthquakes? Boring. Forest Fires? So 2009. The natural disaster gripping young people today is the Zombie Outbreak! The BC government has put up a website warning people of the possible dangers of zombie outbreaks to educate people on the importance of general emergency preparedness. However, any zombie attack plan that doesn’t involve some form of pump-action shotgun…concerns me.

Source: Village Gamer

Final Attendance Numbers for Fan Expo Vancouver Are In!


FanExpo Vancouver has released its total attendance numbers the yesterday, and the final tally comes to…16,780! While impressive, there’s no doubt the organizers underestimated the force of fandom here in Vancouver. We can only guess how many people they turned away after their convention space sold out. In any case, hopefully next year they’ll reserve enough convention space to contain Vancouver’s appetite for celebrities, comics, and cosplay!

Source: Fan Expo Vancouver.