Microsoft Debuts SmartGlass at E3

Okay, so there is something interesting coming out of E3. Microsoft’s SmartGlass system is an interface that will allow any tablet or mobile device to connect with Xbox and Window PCs. This will allow for more seamless video streaming and even the possibility of secondary controller system for the Xbox, putting a hole in the WiiU’s sails. For all the frustration that Microsoft has caused in the past, it’s good to see that they’re still willing to step up their game when times get tough.

Source: The Washington Post

Steam for Linux Coming in 2012

Well, there goes the OEM market for Windows. In a one-word e-mail to a fan (the word was “yes”) the Gaben hath confirmed that Linux will be getting a native steam client in 2012. This is surely to greatly reduce the amount of tweaking needed to play games on Linux and might seriously affect the operating system’s market share on PCs. With the playing field levelled like this, are the OS wars about to heat up again?

Source: The Escapist

Raingeek Rant: Is PAX Killing E3?

We can all remember the time when E3 was a superbowl, a prom, and a gala on par with Comicon or Gencon. Video game magazines (remember those?), blogs and websites would light up like Las Vegas, and our summer dreams would be filled with promises of the latest and greatest technology in time for Christmas. Now, things are different. If you look at the headlines leading up to E3, the only significant news is what will not be at E3. The first glimpses of the future cornerstones of video game culture have been replaced with mini-games and social networking. And you know what? That’s okay.

While the investors and retailers of E3 have no stomach for the red ocean of hardcore gaming, Gaming culture itself has gotten a lot bigger and more powerful. There are two Penny Arcade Expos, one for each coast. They are being followed by a plethora of gaming expos across the continent. If you want to sell a hardcore game in today’s economy, why would you waste your time with investors who don’t get the culture and are looking for alternate revenue streams anyway? If you ask me, the conversations coming out of PAX and its ilk are much more value than the unfocused flailing going on at E3. E3 seems to act like it doesn’t need gamers, but the truth is gamers don’t need E3 either.

Jennifer Spence Interview on VanCity Buzz

VanCity Buzz haas posted an interview with the star of Continuum, Jennifer Spence. She talks about some of the challenges shooting the Showcase series and some of her upcoming feature film projects:

Jen: A fun little piece of trivia is we shot outside the CBC building and it doubled as one of the giant corporations in the city. We created a tent ”occupy” city and had a crowd of protestors rioting – it looked like the real deal!

You can check out the rest of the interview here.

Source: Vancity Buzz

Vancouver Film School wins ‘School of the Year’ Award from the CGSA

Vancouver Film School is now the three-peat Champion of the Computer Graphics Student Association’s “School of the Year” award. The institution won the most awards out of 359 entries including Leonardo Bonisolli’s short Drink Drunk and Woon Park’s modeling reel Oh My Grandma. More VFS student work can be found at the Vancouver Film School Youtube Channel.

Source: Computer Graphics World.

EA Canada Hiring for a New Action Shooter IP

According to the EA Canada Job board, they are hiring a lead game designer for an all new AAA action shooter. Details about the project are scant, but they require that the winning candidate have a “proven track record of designing and balancing combat, player controls, and AI for AAA shooters or action games.” If anything this sounds more like a marketing ploy than an actual job posting. They’d probably have a lot more luck just petitioning those kinds of developers directly instead inviting them to force themselves through the sausage tube of HR.

Source: GameSpot.

Release Date for Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3

The quirky new installment of Penny Arcade‘s RPG series On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 is due to be released for PC, Mac, and XBLIG on July 10. The game costs $5 dollars on Steam and whatever the equivalent exchange amount is in Xbox live points. Steam’s cross-platform ability will allow you to play the game on your choice of operating system, and details will be forthcoming as to when the game will hit iOS and Android platforms.


This Cat Needs More Pylons

Seattle Costume and Prop Whiz Bill Doran has created some sweet lamps based on the Protoss Power Pylons from Starcraft. Handy for meditation, studying, or powering your kitteh, these babies are welcome addition to any living room ensemble. We need more Pylons! Hit the jump for more Pylons and kittehs.

Source: Punished Props via Facebook
[Read more…]

One fan donates $5,100 to Save “The Secret Circle”

The Make-a-Wish drive to save  The Secret Circle is making some impressive headway with $7,500 donated so far. $5,100 of that take was generated by a single donor! One of the show’s executive producers, Andrew Miller, was moved by this donation to set up a charity auction himself. The series certainly has a lot of staying power for such a short run. Maybe it’s destined to be the fantasy genre’s version of Firefly.


Proper SuperHero Attire in the Workplace

The attire of female superheroes has always been a source of controversy, but there are limits when you are trying to make your way in a professional villainry organization.

Source: Topless Robot