Stargate SG-1 composer Joel Goldsmith Passes Away at 54

Stargate fans everywhere are in mourning as Joel Goldsmith, composer of over 300 Stargate episodes and 3 DVD films passed away last Sunday at age 54. Goldsmith had adapted David Arnold’s theme from the Stargate movie for the TV series in 1997. Since then his music has been responsible for much of the sense of epic struggle between good and evil featured throughout the Stargate Franchise. Gateworld’s Twitter feed has been reposting memories and sentiments from fans, cast and crew of Joel Goldsmith and his work.

Source: GateWorld

Nathan Fillion in UPS Delivery Shorts!

YVRshoots has given us a first look at Nathan Fillion as he appears playing the Greek god Hermes in Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters. Keeping true to the idea of Hermes as the God of messengers, Fillion’s character pops up in a fake UPS store wearing those iconic delivery boy shorts. The question is, does he wear the shorts to pass as mortal, or is he trying to demonstrate that he’s a god?


LEGO Store at Oakridge Opens May the Fourth

Vancouver is getting its first Lego Store at Oakridge Mall this weekend, and it’s holding a grand opening celebration from May 4th to 6th to celebrate! There will be plenty of give-aways, and you can check out their various kits of say, Frank Lloyd Wright buildings…or you can build racing cars…I think they might have a few of those Lego friends kits…ah screw it. We’re all going for the Star Wars Lego, aren’t we? I thought so.

Source: Vancouver Blog Miss604

MGM Snatches Stargate SG-1 From the Jaws of Obscurity

Just as the final Creation Stargate convention was about to close the iris for good, an announcement from independent producer Darren Thomas could change everything. His company, Ordino Studios, which based out of Andorra, is collaborating with MGM on a Stargate SG-1 app for tablets and smartphones. According to the official Stargate Facebook page, there are more details to the announcement that will be revealed at the San Diego Comicon in July. This could mean anything from the whole series streaming over tablet apps to a full-blown 3D action game. We’ll be sure to keep you posted on this!


Vancouver hosts the last Stargate Creation Convention

The final Stargate convention to be held by Creation Entertainment is to be held at the Metrotown Hilton this weekend. Guests include Christopher Judge, David Hewlett, and Joe Flanigan. This signifies the end of an era for Creation Conventions. For years, they were able to hold intimate convention experiences with many of the actors that worked in all 3 Stargate series. This by no means signifies the end of the Creation Convention experience in Vancouver, however. Creation Entertainment will return for a Supernatural TV series convention in August.

Source: GateWorld.

The History of Vancouver in Comics

Stevie Wilson over at Scout Magazine has posted a fascinating article about the history of Vancouver in Comics. Editorial Cartoons, Fanzines and the like are apparently a great resource for first-hand historical records. They are so good, in fact, that the UBC Library had a trial archive on their website up until March 16th. I’m rather miffed that I hadn’t heard about it until now, so write an e-mail to and let the faculty there know that we want to see the history of Vancouver in comic book format.

Scout Magazine.

Vancouver Film School Showcases Game Design Final Projects

A litany of all-nighters, coffee-IV drips, and top ramen diets has paid off for the students of Vancouver Film School’s Game Design Program. The student body has released their final projects to the public and a panel of industry professionals that just might give them their first jobs. The first of these is Terra, a cel-shaded action platformer, then we have Otherside, a 3D Puzzle Action Platformer, Terminus Station, a harrowing trip through a cursed subway station, and There and Back, a 2D platformer that allows you to switch places with our shadow. All of these games are downloadable from the VFS Website, so head on down and take them for a spin!

Source:VFS Blog

PAX Registration Opens…Sorta?

This would usually be the post where I talk about how PAX Prime registration opened yesterday, how long it took for them to sell out, and you better find a scalper now, yada yada. However, the good folks at Penny Arcade decided to go for a new provider for their registration system. They went looking for Engine Yard, but unfortunately they found BCeSis instead.

Here’s where we’re at:
#1. We tried a new registration vendor this year. It….didn’t work out. We are going back to our previous vendor and registration should be set up next week.

#2. For those of you who have successfully registered, we’ll shoot you an email next week to confirm your registration.

#3. We’re really sorry about this =(.

Oh well, better luck next time guys. 🙂

Source: PAX Prime.

Comic Con in Dubai

I realize this story is a little out of the way for Raingeek, but it was so fascinating I just had to share it. Dubai has just held its first film and comic convention last weekend, with guests such as John Rhys-Davies from Indiana Jones and Laurie Holden from The Walking Dead. Of there was lots of cosplay, and even a zombie walk. What makes this so incredible is that this is happening in Dubai of all places! This is the same country that’ll lock you up if you so much as step on a joint of marijuana. Even a country like this can loosen up and let a lonely stormtrooper have some fun. It’s stories like this that remind me that these conventions are ultimately a force for good in this world.

Source:The National.

Family Guy Online Interview with Ian Verchere, co-founder of Roadhouse Interactive

The Family Guy Free-to-play Online game is being developed by Roadhouse Interactive in Vancouver. Gamezebo has posted an interview with the company co-founder, Ian Verchere. He talks about his experiences with the game industry and how Family Guy’s “MMLOL” gameplay will work.

Family Guy Online is the first “MMLOL,” and I think, in order to deliver major laugh out loud experiences, the action format definitely made the most sense. And it gives us the opportunity to deliver the notion that this is going to be a funny game. You have the characters in the show standing around and telling you to go and do silly stuff.

If you’ve got a game that sends you to get a wolf’s skin that you can trade for a fire rune or whatever, that’s fun. But if you have a game like Family Guy Online that sends you on a quest to find something…naughty so you can do something naughtier with it, that’s kind of fun, too. It helps the game feel like the show.

Source: Gamezebo