iFest Independent Game Festival This Saturday in Seattle


iFest Independent Games Festival for 2012 is hosting an event in Seattle this year on Saturday June the 2nd. Speakers will include Brian Dawson of Valve Software and Thomas Buscaglia, the Game Attorney. The event will be held at the Seattle Center and best of all, registration is Free!

Source: iFest Independent Game Festival.

Stargate Cake

A lucky Stargate fan’s girlfriend decided to bake him his favourite cake for his birthday. The rest of the internet benefits!

Source: Reddit

The Arrow Trailer Released and is Surprisingly Awesome

The CW has released the first trailer for The Arrow, and show looks like an awesome way to spend a school night. Many people were afraid that just because the Green Arrow was a lesser known superhero that the CW was just cashing in. It turns out that in this economy, nobody can afford to not think things through in television

Source: Topless Robot