GameStop EXPO Says “Fine, We’ll Start Our Own Con…Almost”

Penny Arcade Expo’s passes have already come and gone 4 months before the event even launched. So what’s a gamer to do if he want to get his hot little hands on the latest betas? Gamestop has grudgingly offered to extend its employee only show in San Antonio, Texas to the public… for a full 5 hours. On August 19th 11:00am to 4:00pm, gamers will get the chance to briefly glimpse the offerings of all the top publishers. Man, I know the Penny Arcade formula is in desperate need of duplication, but the Screw Attack Gaming Convention is coming up in July, so let’s send a message that gamers can’t be treated like this and go there instead, okay?

Source: Gamer Revolution

Camp Half Blood Rain or Shine


I’ve located a couple interesting sets of images from the set of Percy Jackson 2. Yvrshoots has some pics of the Camp Half-blood set caught under a torrential rainstorm, while Hollywood North on Location ‘s shots are depicting pure fun in the sun. It just goes to show you that Vancouver’s weather (and Zeus’ temperament for that matter) is cruel mistress indeed.

Sources: Hollywood North On Location and yvrshoots

Infographic on the Realities of the Mobile Market

Village Gamer has posted an infographic from on the realities mobile developers face when they bring their apps to market. Only 12% of apps earn $50,000 a year or more, and they each spend an average of $30,000 for marketing. With the current hype over Vancouver’s Mobile Market, how can smaller devs pay their way. Either there needs to be more Venture capital, or we have to put effort into building the local community.

Source: Village Gamer